
Musings on gardens, flowers and all things in between.

Caroline Loup Caroline Loup

Garden Gathering

Making the most of the late spring sunshine, we enjoyed flowers, fun, tea and cakes while raising money for Horatio’s Garden at our Garden Gathering.

Take a peak at our video …

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Caroline Loup Caroline Loup

Garden Gathering Tour

A Garden Tour to accompany our Garden Gathering in aid of Horatio’s Garden. A wonderful opportunity to bring friends together to raise money for a great cause that nurtures the wellbeing of people after spinal injury in beautiful, vibrant sanctuaries within the heart of NHS spinal injury centres. It’s also a chance to have some fun, some tea and cakes and share how my own garden nurtures me.

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Gardening Tips, Garden Visits Caroline Loup Gardening Tips, Garden Visits Caroline Loup

Snowdrop Spotting

It’s the perfect weekend for some romantic snowdrop spotting: the countryside is carpeted in small, elegant, Giselle white snowdrops which are the first signs the season is turning and spring will come. Whether you seek the expansive and breathtaking or the rare and ravishing, now is the moment to hunt down snowdrops (Galanthus nivalis) in the wild or the glorious gardens of galanthophiles to enjoy their sheer beauty and fragility.

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RHS Shows Caroline Loup RHS Shows Caroline Loup

Chelsea Apprentice

Have you ever wondered what it’s like to plant a gold medal winning, main avenue garden at RHS Chelsea Flower Show?

The short answer: it’s an unmissable, 7am to 7pm, 7 day a week experience. A challenge that sharpened my senses and secateurs. A supportive team like the best I’ve ever been privileged to be a part of. A physical marathon. And a magical garden that I fell in love with and taught me so much.

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